Wardrobe for Daphne
REEEE!!! CAN’T PLAY DRESS UP WITH CHILDD!!!! BATHSALTS PLS!!!! This mod offers several options for allowing you to swap out Daphne’s rags for different kids clothes – because we can’t buy kids’ clothes in the Atomic Shop for some reason. ????? (BETH PLS SELL ME SOME USELESS CRAP).
By default, Daphne wears the Street Urchin Rags.
Casual (Kid’s Shirt and Jeans)
Kid’s Dress
Kid’s Pajamas
Ra-Ra’s Outfit (no gloves)
The Inspector Costume (visual bug)
The Inspector’s Trusty Sidekick (visual bug)
Ra-Ra’s Outfit – coming soon
Kid’s Hazmat Suit – coming soon
Inspector Costume and Inspector’s Trusty Sidekick Costume will force Daphne to have an adult body. Please do not be fucking creepy about this or I’ll delete it faster than hackers kill the SBQ.
In your Fallout76Custom.ini, add “DaphneOutfit-###OUTFITNAME###.ba2” on the line: