The Harbinger’s Warcoat
A coat designed for those who bring death to the scorched.
A breastplate of pure ultracite. A pitch black coat. A man obsessed, who seeks to burn away the Scorched Plague, root and stem, to avenge what he has lost to them.
This outfit replaces the KD Inkwell outfit with a modified Revolutionary General outfit, specifically designed around my 76er’s in universe storyline of anti-scorched warfare. Recolors the combat armor to be more of an Ultracite-green. Recolors the coat to be black, as the Pale Rider of Death would tend to wear in apocalyptic mythology. Also replaces the star decal with the Harbinger’s Caduceus designed by the amazing Twiichii, a good artist friend helping me with Divided We Fall (A new vegas mod that’s in development which will feature a bunch of 76 lore).
Requires KD Inkwell Outfit if you wanna see it in game. But I suppose you could also rename the NIF to whatever outfit best suits you.
Install with a mod manager. Leave nothing to fate.