Some Fallout 4 Outfits
Bethesda left some of the assets for several Fallout 4 outfits in the game that are seemingly not going to be used. So this mod adds them into the game as replacers for certain vanilla outfits. Only you, and anyone else who uses these mods, will see these new outfits.
I made sure to replace them with outfits that can be worn over armour, that’s why my choice of replacer might seem odd.
Cait’s corset:
Replaces the Padded blue jacket.
This outfit can be bought from one of the vendors in the Whitespring resort.
Only the female variant of this outfit is available.
Move the ‘CaitOutfit.ba2’ into your Fallout 76 directory and add ‘CaitOutfit.ba2’ under Archive in your Fallout76Custom.ini
Hancock’s red frock coat:
Replaces the Surveyor Outfit.
This outfit can be bought from one of the vendors in the Whitespring resort.
Move the ‘HancockOutfit.ba2’ into your Fallout 76 directory and add ‘HancockOutfit.ba2’ under Archive in your Fallout76Custom.ini
Maxson’s battlecoat:
Replaces the Field scribe’s uniform.
This outfit is a reward for joining the Brotherhood of Steel.
Move the ‘MaxsonOutfit.ba2’ into your Fallout 76 directory and add ‘MaxsonOutfit.ba2’ under Archive in your Fallout76Custom.ini
Piper’s press cap:
Replaces the Newsboy cap.
This cap can be bought from one of the vendors in the Whitespring resort.
Move the ‘PiperHat.ba2’ into your Fallout 76 directory and add ‘PiperHat.ba2’ under Archive in your Fallout76Custom.ini
Piper’s red leather trench coat:
Replaces the Explorer outfit/Scavenger outfit. (They use the same mesh).
I believe this outfit can be bought from one of the vendors in the Whitespring resort.
Only the female variant of this outfit is available.
Move the ‘PiperOutfit.ba2’ into your Fallout 76 directory and add ‘PiperOutfit.ba2’ under Archive in your Fallout76Custom.ini
Valentine’s faded trench coat:
Replaces the T-shirt and slacks.
This outfit can be bought from one of the vendors in the Whitespring resort.
Move the ‘ValentineOutfit.ba2’ into your Fallout 76 directory and add ‘ValentineOutfit.ba2’ under Archive in your Fallout76Custom.ini