Simple INI Tweaks
There are three main tweaks :
High End
Med End
Low End
I tweaked the high end settings for myself and i am using it. I have asus rog strix rx 480 , amd r3 2200 g (poor guy) and 8×8 gb ddr 4 3000 mhz double rams on my pc.
In high end , i disabled the radial bulur effect , depth of field and bokeh,. Those three are almost doing the same thing for different purposes but they impact the fps so bad and i don’t like to play like a myop who forget to put the glasses on.
Beyond that i decreased the shadow quality with its casting range and draw distance but there is almost none quality loss and higher fps numbers but the game stutters like hell if you don’t have a powerfull cpu. Also i disabled the vsync for all those three packages. I saw 40-75 fps but mostly 50-60 fps.
Med end almost has the same features as the high but i decreased the shadows , decals , texture quality , anisotropic filter , anti aliasing and disabled the wetness. So it should take less vram but the fps dramatically same as the high.
In low end i almost disabled every simple feature and decreased the same things as the med end even more.
To Install :
Drop the .ini files to documents>my games>Fallout 76.
The files are read only so do not try to change the settings in game. Open properties , uncheck read only then make your changes manually not in game.