Shacks – Prewar 2k
Made the shack pieces look a bit nicer using the pre-war textures.
To make any wallpaper on the shack wall window/shutters work, close the shutters, then replace them with walls and add wallpaper. Now replace them with shutters again; DON’T open the shutters, but fast-travel away from your camp to make the game autosave. Now exit the game immediately, and the changes should save permanently.
Just came from another mod from this site will post my comments in hope this site might update and include the Fallout76Custom.ini info per mod. This plus others have caused my game to freeze because most mods are normally in,
Which caused the game to freeze and crash. Had to add the mod under,
For them to work.
The site needs a update per mod when it comes to Fallout76Custom.ini info. A bit sad and annoying trying to play these hop to games.
So when I got fully into the game to see if this mod works. I realized I had another mod that does similar stuff with this mod and so it overwritten this mod. I didn’t get any conflict error message so didn’t know they did similar stuff one is for the walls and this is for wood or what not. But the statement stands before I moved this mod under the other section it caused my game to freeze and crash. Only reason I know that is because I was turning off mods one at a time and when the game stopped crashing I turned on the other mods and the game worked. Than I turned this mod on and it crashed, than tried to move it under the other section and the mod didn’t crash the game. Sadly the wallpaper will come first since it has more options.