Roving Trader Outfit
Bring a classic piece of Fallout 3 apparel into Fallout 76 for your adventures across Appalachia.
The Roving Trader Outfit is my all-time favorite outfit from Fallout 3 / New Vegas. And while the Field Scribe Outfit is clearly meant to be interpreted as its spiritual successor, that’s not good enough for me. I wanted the real deal (or at least as close to it as one could get). So a friend and I hunkered down and got to work, repurposing and Frankenstein’ing some assets from the base game as well as creating some new pieces from scratch and overall, I’m quite happy with the result.
No, this does not include every last meticulously-placed pocket, pouch, spoon, fork, strap, etc, but it’s close enough as far as I’m concerned.
There are four versions to choose from, each providing a male and female variant with first person arms included
– Treasure Hunter Outfit replacement
– Miner Outfit replacement
– Surveyor Outfit replacement
– Green Shirt and Combat Boots replacement
If you would prefer this to replace a different outfit from the ones provided, please leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do!
Big thanks to billionlioe, whose patience in helping create this was immeasurable.