Ranger Elite Outfit Dark Retexture
Simple UHD retexture for Ranger Elite base outfit and helmet with optional glow effects.
Please note that because the female version of the helmet utilizes advanced ranger outfit texture for the neck and both outfit versions utilize advanced ranger gloves texture, I also included dark retexure for advanced ranger outfit and gloves in this mod’s archive. If you want ’em separated or have any other suggestions/questions, feel free to write a comment or pm me directly, I’m always open to a constructive dialogue.
Version 1.0 Contents
Red, green, blue and white glow effects for helmet’s visors
Black leather Ranger Elite Outfit (with helmet)
1. Extract the ba2 files from the archive you’ve downloaded to your Fallout76/Data folder.
2. Check whether you’ve got the Fallout76Custom.ini file under Documents/My Games/Fallout 76 folder, and if not, create it.
2a. If you’ve just created the .ini file, you need to open it and input this string in it: [Archive]
3. Find sResourceArchive2List = line under the [Archive] section of your Fallout76Custom.ini or type it down if there is no such line.
4. If you’ve downloaded Dark Ranger Elite retexture, then add RangerElite.ba2 to the end of the sResourceArchive2List line.
4a. If you’ve downloaded any of the helmet glow options, then add RHelmet_Mat.ba2 to the end of the sResourceArchive2List line.
Note: Only you will see this retexture in your game, other players will still see clothing textures they have in their game, so it’s just for your own aesthetic pleasure and screenshotting purposes.