Player ESP
Makes it easier to see players.
Really simple player esp with orientation marker. Also works most the time with players in stealthboy but can be a but iffy.
For those worried about getting banned for using it there’s no way for bethes to know you are even using it cause its a mod lol
1. Extract PlayerESP.ba2 to your Fallout76/Data folder.
2. Check whether you’ve got the Fallout76Custom.ini file under Documents/My Games/Fallout 76 folder, and if not, create it.
2a. If you’ve just created the .ini file, you need to open it and input this string in it: [Archive]
3. Find sResourceArchive2List = line under the [Archive] section of your Fallout76Custom.ini or type it down if there is no such line.
4. Add “,PlayerESP.ba2” (without the quotes) to the end of the sResourceArchive2List line.