Nukashine X-01 Paintjob Revamp (4k)
Nukashine X-01 paintjob is not shiny enough for you? Here’s the revamped clean version of it!
As the title says, this is a simple (and clean) retexture for Nukashine X-01 paintjob, aiming for improved looks and clarity.
1. Extract the ba2 file to your Fallout76 Data folder.
2. Add sResourceArchive2List = *.ba2 line to the [Archive] section of your Fallout76Custom.ini (* is the name of file you extracted) OR just “, *.ba2” to the end of this line if you already have it in your .ini file.
3. Switch your X-01 PA paintjob in game to Nukashine and you’ll see the newly installed skin.
Note: If you already have the string that begins with “sResourceArchive2List” in your Fallout76Custom.ini file, then just add “, *.ba2” to the end of that string (without the quotes).
Note: Only you will see this retexture in your game, other players will still see the PA Texture you currently have applied, so it’s just for your own aesthetic pleasure and screenshotting purposes.
1. Remove *.ba2 file(s) from your Fallout76 Data folder
2. Remove “, *.ba2” from sResourceArchive2List string of your Fallout76Custom.ini file