Nuka Cola Statue – Size Fix
Fixes the wrong (overly large) Nuka Cola statue model being incorrectly used at the Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant.
1. Extract “NukaColaStatue_Fix.ba2” into your Fallout76/Data folder.
2. Add “NukaColaCherryGLOW.ba2″ to the ‘”ResourceArchive2List” line in your Fallout76Custom.ini file so it looks like:
[code]sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix – ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix – ATX_Textures.ba2, NukaColaStatue_Fix.ba2/code]
Known Issues/Limitations:
Because we can’t edit plugin data, I simply replaced the gigantic “mountain” Nuka-Cola Statue model with the “large” one. This means that if the “mountain” model is used any any other places, it will of course also be smaller.
I am unaware of any other places that this mesh is used at, though. Even if there are other instances of the model being used, a smaller model is less likely to have clipping issues than a larger model anyways.