Junkyard Fuzzy Chainsaw Re-Skin
Nothing inspires more fear and awe then what a bored raider with a tack welder and an engineering degree designs while tripping on Psychotats.
This delightfully mod aims to add some Mr.Fuzzy brand terror to the wasteland! Giggle along with Mr. Fuzzy as you rip your foes limb from limb!
Known Limitations and issue’s:
1} The model can get glitchy depending on the camera angle in third person.
2} Due to the increased .nif size the mod can be somewhat resource intensive.
3} The Chainsaw craves blood, please feed it regularly. I will not be held responsible for any injuries caused by a under feed chainsaw.
Installation guide:
Step 1: Remove KitbashSaw.ba2 from its .Zip and place inside your Fallout 76 Data Folder.
Generic File Path: [Steam Install Location]\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data
Step 2: Navigate to the Fallout 76 Folder located within the My Documents folder.
Example File Path: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
Step 3: If you have not already, create a new file called: Fallout76Custom.ini
Step 4: Open Fallout76Custom.ini using a text editor and add the following line:
[Archive]sResourceArchive2List= KitbashSaw.ba2
Step 5: Click Save
Step 6: Boot Up Fallout 76