HUDColours Beta – custom coloured HUD
Colour your HUD the way you want it!
Finally, a recolourable HUD for Fallout 76!
Based on source code for CustomCrosshair by bolbman (used with permission).
Includes support for PerkLoadoutManager (the HUD version), ImprovedHealthBars, EventNotifications, and CustomCrosshair.
Make sure you load this mod’s BA2 file after the mods listed above to ensure 100% compatibility.
The download contains 2 versions:
– One without crosshair colouring for use with CustomCrosshair
– One with built-in crosshair colouring with no CustomCrosshair support (it will still load but I won’t help you if issues arise)
The following are all customizable:
Crosshair opacity – Works with or without CustomCrosshair (CustomCrosshair is highly recommended though).
HitMarker – the marker that shows up when you hit an enemy
RightMeters – things like ammo, active effects, thirst/hunger, etc
LeftMeters – mainly health and rads
Notifications – like Sneak damage etc
HudFrobber – the loot menu for world containers, NPC interaction prompt, doors etc
QuestTracker – the upper right quest panel
TopCenter – the enemy health/sneak bar
BottomCenter – Subtitles, Compass and Crit Meter
Announce – the text of new events etc
Center – crosshair (if you use the version without CustomCrosshair support), quickloot, interaction menus of things not covered in HudFrobber
Team panel – teammate names, health, etc
Floating – things like the damage numbers, floating quest markers, etc
Keep in mind – This is a BETA release, meaning there could still be some bugs I haven’t encountered yet.
Known bugs:
XP bar is not recolourable
Some areas may look a bit weird (any place with a user avatar)
Chosen colour may not look 100% right, still trying to dial in the math
My first time ever working with ActionScript and my first ever mod. Please don’t judge me too harshly if I get some things wrong!