FO4 Vault Suit
Bethesda went through the efforts of making new meshes, materials, and textures for the Fallout 4 Vault suit and packed them inside of Fallout 76 archives- so I swapped them. Much better now!
Texture Artists:
If you are an artist or just want to import your own textures from Fallout 4, they are located in the same folder structure as they are in Fallout 4. These meshes are using the Clean version of the suits. In most cases, editing the diffuse and normal maps are all you probably need to do. YMMV if you use existing texture replacers from Fallout 4, considering the new Light and Reflection maps being used in Fallout 76.
Female Textures
Male Textures
Number Textures (New to Fallout 76):
Baka Version:
Download and extract the Loose version and place the meshes and materials folders into your Fallout 76 Data folder
Follow program instructions on the Baka File page.
Download and extract the Ba2 version and place the Ba2 into your Fallout 76 Data folder.
Add FO4VaultSuit.ba2 to your archive load list in Fallout76Custom.ini
First Time ba2 users:
Create or edit the following file: Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\Fallout76Custom.ini
Copy and paste the following lines into your Fallout76Custom.ini:
sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix – 00UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 01UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 00UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 01UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 00UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – 01UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – MeshesExtra.ba2, SeventySix – 02UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 03UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 04UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 02UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 03UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 04UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 02UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – 03UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – 04UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – GeneratedMeshes.ba2, SeventySix – StaticMeshes.ba2, SeventySix – 05UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 06UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 07UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 05UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 07UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 05UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – 06UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix – 07UpdateTextures.ba2, FO4VaultSuit.ba2
Add the name of any new ba2 files you install, moving forward.