Fallout 4 Style Map Replacer
Replaces the paper map with a classic Fallout 4 style map. Manual install required.
I dislike the new paper map thing. It’s very pretty and well made, but the idea of it sucks. In my opinion at least. The map reveals way too many spoilers all throughout the map and I really don’t want to see that. I don’t want to know where the giant excavator is, I don’t want to know exactly where the Greenbrier is. I want to explore the world like a Fallout game and learn the map myself.
So, I hand drew this in photoshop for myself.
Was drawn on top of the original map so the roads will match that map. However, I have noticed in game that not everything lines up with the original so in the future I may update this map where I see changes to be very necessary.
Installation involves editing the SeventySix – Textures04.Ba2 with Archive2 from the Fallout 4 Creation Kit, or other archive editor.
Because of 76 update, this mod needs to now be installed in the SeventySix – Textures05.Ba2 archive.
This method may or may not be in conflict with Bethesda’s EULA. But I loaded it up and it works so…. yeah. Will this result in a ban? Who knows lol.
When adding files, use the Add Folder option and add the ‘Textures’ folder from the downloaded zip file.
You don’t have to remove any files from the archive, adding these new ones overwrites the original so be sure to BACKUP THE ORIGINAL ARCHIVE FIRST.
Keep in mind, official release would likely overwrite this. Or, anytime they update the texture archive.