Event Notifications
Displays new world event notifications on the HUD as they become available.
Installation Guide
Extract the EventNotifications.ba2 file to your Fallout 76 Data folder (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data)
Navigate to your Fallout 76 settings folder in “My Games” (default: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76)
If this is your first mod, extract the optional “Fallout76Custom.ini” file to the current directory. Otherwise, append the name of the new archive, “EventNotifications.ba2”, to the list, separated by a comma, like so: [Archive]
sResourceArchive2List = EventNotifications.ba2
Currently not compatible with Show Health. If you attempt to load two incompatible mods, only the mod listed last in your Fallout76Custom.ini list will be loaded. Text Chat is supported but must be loaded last.
Additional Notes
A couple of days ago at QuakeCon, Bethesda announced upcoming changes to the world events system sometime this September. To me, the discussion mainly focused on being able to see a list of active events more easily from the map (among other things, like free fast travel.) When this update goes live in September, I will either make adjustments to this mod or sunset it, depending on the features of the new events system.