Enchanted Forests v1.0.1
Ever wanted to add fairy-tale atmosphere to Appalachia? Here’s a mod just for you! This mod turns appalachian forests into fantasy wonderland with glowing animated canopies and mysterious glows and fires everywhere!
Please follow the installation instructions carefully and install the latest version of the mod before reporting any issues.
1. Extract the ba2 files from the main archive you’ve downloaded to your Fallout76/Data folder.
2. Check whether you’ve got the Fallout76Custom.ini file under Documents/My Games/Fallout 76 folder, and if not, create it.
2a. If you’ve just created the .ini file, you need to open it and input this string in it: [Archive]
3. Find sResourceArchive2List = line under the [Archive] section of your Fallout76Custom.ini or type it down if there is no such line.
4. Add ” ,EF_M.ba2 ,EF_T.ba2″ to the end of the sResourceArchive2List line.
4a. If you’ve downloaded separate Glowing Ivy mod, add ” ,Ivy.ba2, Ivy_M.ba2″ to the end of sResourceArchive2List line.
4b. If you’ve downloaded separate grass module, add ” ,EF_G_M.ba2, EF_G_T.ba2″ to the end of sResourceArchive2List line.
4c. If you’ve downloaded Spring in Appalachia Edition version, make sure to add ” ,EF_M.ba2, EF_T.ba2″ to the end of sResourceArchive2List line AFTER SiA.ba2 and SiA_M.ba2.
Note: Only you will see this retexture in your game, other players will still see textures they have in their game, so it’s just for your own aesthetic pleasure and screenshotting purposes.