Cyrillized Font Library
A font library containing all fonts of the English version of Fallout 76, supplemented with missing Cyrillic characters (Windows-1251).
Incompatible with Nuclear Winter mode, as well as with mods that replace fontconfig_ru.txt and / or fonts_ru.swf.
Work amateur, I am not a font designer and not a designer at all. Reports of obvious errors are welcome, sensible criticism or suggestions are not forbidden.
Unfortunately, Fallout 76 does not load files directly from the interface folder, as did Fallout 4. In addition, after the update of June 10, 2019, it is impossible to override the font library by downloading it in a third-party BA2 archive. Therefore, the only way to install fonts is to repack one of the original BA2 archives, with all the ensuing consequences, such as the inability to play in Nuclear Winter mode. To repack, you need the Archive2 tool, which can be downloaded in the Miscellaneous files section, unpacked into any folder and used. If the Creation Kit for Fallout 4 is installed, Archive2 is located in the folder Fallout 4 \ Tools.
Font Library Installation Instructions
Font list
Brush Script Std Medium – missing characters added
Slate Mobile – added missing characters
Kiddie Cocktails – missing characters added
Chowderhead – missing characters added
76HandwrittenNeat – missing characters added
VeteranTypewriterRedacted – missing characters added
Roboto Condensed Light – no changes, contains all the characters initially
Futura-CondensedBold – missing characters added
Guidestone.fcp Symbols – no change, contains unknown characters
Brody – missing characters added
Handwritten_Institute – missing characters added
Roboto Condensed – no changes, contains all the characters initially
Roboto Condensed Bold – no change, contains all the characters initially
Share-TechMono Regular – changed characters to fit monospace
Controller Buttons – no changes, contains the characters of the controller buttons
Controller Buttons inverted – unchanged, contains the characters of the controller buttons
LeiaScript – missing characters added
evaScript – missing characters added
HandwrittenIlliterate – missing characters added
Dot Matrix – missing characters added
Portico Regular – missing characters added
NixieTube – no change, used only in mine code fragments
Arial – missing characters added
Consolas – missing characters added
Tool list
Archive2 – for unpacking and repacking BA2 archives
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler – to extract and embed TTF fonts from / to SWF file
FontLab Studio 5 – for editing TTF fonts