Clear’o’SeventySix – A Vibrant Appalachia
I worked on this ReShade on and off while playing till it reached this point. I am pleased with it now.
What does this ReShade do?
It turns the game into a more vibrant, more clear one, with darker nights or places like basements, for a darker and more realistic feel.
Godrays have been enhanced, same with lights that shine more strong.
if you use SFE just replace the SFE dxgi.dll with ReShade’s, it still works then.
Download the most recent Reshade installer at https://reshade.me/
Search for the Fallout76.exe and select the Directx 10+ Field
If it asks to download additional stuff click Yes.
Then select:
AdaptiveSharpen, AmbientLight, Bloom, Clarity, ColorMatrix, Curves, FakeHDR, HighpassSharpen, LevelsPlus, LumaSharpen, MXAO and Tonemap
Then go to the root of Fallout 76. edit the ReShade.ini and edit:
PresetFiles=[root of the Fallout76 path]\Clear’o’SeventySix.ini
example: “PresetFiles=D:\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Clear’o’SeventySix.ini”
then put the contents of the “Files” folder into the root of Fallout76. (Reshade-Shaders & Clear’o’SeventySix.ini)