Busty 76 Armor Replacer
Currently replaces several armor and clothing items with bustier versions. Optional nude body available. Due to limitations in FO 76 modding I’m currently unable to alter dresses, and armor/clothing which require physics. (Due to the tool limitations some clothing may be lore friendly replacements, higher poly T-shirt and jeans, or the Fallout 4 version of the Fallout 76 vault suit.)
UPDATE: Version 0.4 complies the mod into BA2 files for easier installation. If it’s already working for you, ignore this update.
Fallout 76 Clothes
Step One: Download and Unzip the file.
Step Two: Place the two BA2 files in your Fallout 76 DATA folder.
Step Three: Now use a Fallout 76 Mod Manager to install. I suggest this one here MOD MANAGER
Fallout 76 Body
Step One: First install the EVB mod found here: Enhanced Vanilla Bodies 76
Step Two: Install Busty 76 with the instructions above.
Some minor clipping can be expected. I’ve converted a lot of the armor pieces to fit the new body shape, but it’ll take me some time for everything to fit.
Also, the flannel work shirt is no longer open. This seems to be a texture bug I can’t track down. The shirt is still bustier, but their should be textures that load making it appear open. Not sure what is causing this.