Acoustic Guitar 2k
Replaces current acoustic guitar with either a distressed (more lore-friendly) or a new version.
Being a guitar player, I wanted a slightly “clearer” version of the acoustic
guitar and wanted to also make a Photoshop template for others to be able
to (as a starting point) customize their own guitar. The use of Photoshop and/or
texture mapping is beyond the scope of this mod, so the PSD is kind of intended
for more experienced modders.
– SphereOfChaos
I prefer to use Vortex as my mod manger, but to do this for Fallout 76, you also need
“Fallout 76 Support (Wastelanders)” by Netrve (https://www.fallout76mods.com/fallout-76-support-wastelanders/).
I then use “Create Custom ini Continued Edition” by GrimTech (https://www.fallout76mods.com/create-custom-ini-continued-edition/).
I add the “createCustomIni.exe” in the Data folder to the Dashboard of Fallout 76 Vortex and run it
after installing any mods. NOTE: I only use texture mods at the moment (I think Bethesda Material files are ok too).