Unzipped Vault Suit
Replaces the vanilla Fallout 76 female vault suits with either half unzipped or fully unzipped variant. Half Zipped and Unzipped versions are 100% vanilla body shape but with higher polygons in the butt and breasts. Guaranteed to add 16x the immersion to your Fallout 76 experience.
EVB – Enhanced Vanilla Body variants of the Unzipped/Halfzipped female vault suit matches the default EVB body shape with slightly larger breasts and a more athelic shaped tush.
I’d suggest to use Baka File Tool to install the loose data files manually.
– Choose and extract the content of the desired folders into your Fallout 76’s “Data” folder (Default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data).
– Then follow Baka File Tool usage guide procedure.
Important: Be sure to toggle “Use Archive2” in the program settings, otherwise the textures won’t be packed into BA2 files.
– Choose and extract the desired .ba2 archives into your Fallout 76’s “Data” folder (Default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data).
– Navigate to your Fallout 76 settings folder in “My Games” (Default location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76). If it’s the first mod you are installing, create a “Fallout76Custom.ini” with notepad.
– Open your “Fallout76Custom.ini” and add the name of the .ba2 archives you extracted to the “SResourceArchive2List” line.
Here’s an example with the files from “Vault76suit_Unzipped (BA2)” on a new Fallout76Custom.ini:
sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix – StaticMeshes.ba2, Vault76suit_Unzipped.ba2
Optional Files:
• Enhanced Vanilla Bodys
• Should work with anything very lightweight single file mod
• Works with any Fallout 76 vault suit texture mods.
• Not compatible with any Fallout 4 vault suit texture mods.
• Compatible with Bodyslide for CBBE or Vanilla Body shapes.
Future Plans:
• HD textures, Classic variant.
• Vault Girl shape preset
Known Issues (Updates in progress):
• Minor weighting issues on shoulder cable.
• At some extreme angles can see thru inner seam of suit.