Crusader Pistol With no BOS Markings
Small mod that changes Crusaider’s Pistol appearance to not have BOS markings.
So I am not a fan of any kind of faction markings on gear so I just removed it.
Put “Crusader_Pistol_NoBOSMarkings.ba2” from the archive to your “Data” folder, then add “Crusader_Pistol_NoBOSMarkings.ba2” to your “sResourceArchive2List =” line from “Fallout76Custom.ini” so it should look like this:
sResourceArchive2List = ,Crusader_Pistol_NoBOSMarkings.ba2
It is recommended to put this mod after any other mod that could modify “bospistol_barrels_d” and/or “bospistol_barrels_l” to avoid conflicts.