riddERs Fonts Reloaded
This is the second modification that I have posted here.
I do not like the default font and simply wanted to change it.
Also, please be sure to consider joining the tiny discord for more direct communication should any issue arise, remember; This is a BETA.
Lastly, please consider to assist with the further development of this mod via ideas, programming knowledge, be a tester or donate a sandwich!
This mod replaces SeventySix – Interface_en.
Any other language pack will stay untouched (ja, ko, ru etc.)
Please utilize English as launched language if you use steam, bethesda etc.
This font will affect your other mods and change their fonts.
I have not tested all mods and if this causes any issues, but the font pack chosen contains all special characters that comes default in F76.
Mods like Text Chat, Better Health etc. will have its font changed with this modpack (Photos provided)
Installation instructions:
Manual installation:
1) Please put a copy of your original SeventySix – Interface_en.ba2 in a folder in case you wish to remove this font pack.
SeventySix – Interface_en is found in: Fallout76/Data
2) Unzip FontsReloaded.rar and place SeventySix – interface_en in Fallout76/Data.
Replace the existing one (That you previously backed up)
No loading required in any .ini file.
You are now done installing the mod.