Dirty Loading Screen Fix
Fixes bad “grid” loading screen.
Requires manual installation using Archive2.
The game has a weird way of rendering a certain loading screen, constantly annoyed by the nasty blotchy texture that shows up. I made this.
Unfortunately I have no idea on how to get it to load without editing the startup.ba2 with Archive2.
1. Browse to %Game Directory%\Data
2. Create a backup of SeventySix – Startup.ba2
IE Copy and paste it and rename the copy to SeventySix – Startup.ba2.BAK
3. Open SeventySix – Startup.ba2 with Archive2; Archive2 is bundled with Quick Configuration
4. Drag and drop the meshes and textures folders contained within this mod into the Archive2 window or click Archive>Add Folder..
6. Click File>Save