SPECIAL-Loadout Machine to Mail Drop Retexture
Do you feel like a SPECIAL machine and the Perk cards being visible at every train station and major settlement is too ‘gamey’ and breaks your immersion somewhat? Well, here is a band-aid for that.
During the PTS I personally found that the SPECIAL Loadout machine was a bit of an eyesore that screamed “VIDEO GAME!” whenever I enter a train station or see them in Foundation/Crater. So, here is a lore friendly and mostly unintrusive retexture that also removes the glowing effect that draws the eye.
Initially I was going to try for actual punchcards and so on, but I had the idea for a glorified message board/mail drop for travellers. We use the rails as transport around Appalachia, and the train stations as rest and trade points, so someone decided to repurpose some old punch card racks as mail points you can leave none-vital mail for other dwellers or traders. Maybe some enterprising courier even gutted the machine and turned it into a post-box for couriers to collect from. Love at first sight? Leave crumpled poem for the ‘redhead with the rack killing molerats’. Had to leave without your team before you could meet up? Drop them a letter. You can do absolutely none of this, but that’s the lore-excuse for the make-over I’ve given the Punchcard Machines.
Fallout76Custom.ini placement example:
[Archive]sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix – 00UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix – 00UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix – 00UpdateTextures.ba2, PerkBoardTexRep.BA2, PerkBoardTexRep2.BA2,
=Known Bugs=
* In the Vault the Perk Cards you pick up will be letters, as they use the same textures as those that sit in the racks. That is the only time you’ll see them however, as far as I know, and you probably won’t install this until you’ve seen one too many of the machines at train stations.
* I couldn’t for the life of me find ‘Perks’ on one particular layer somewhere, so you will still be able to faintly read it on the racks. If anyone can help me track down the precise layer I would be thrilled to remove the niggling annoyance. Until then just pretend the racks held some leaflets offering Perks to miners who signed contracts with certain companies.