Removes the following interface elements from the HUD:
1. HP bar
2. AP bar
3. Stealth indicator
4. Enemy name and health bar
5. VATS critical meter
6. Quest tracker (in upper right hand corner)
7. Enemy hit indicator (the “X” surrounding the crosshair)
It does not remove the compass. In order to remove the compass, open “Fallout76Prefs.ini” (usually found in C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76) and change “bShowCompass=1” to “bShowCompass=0”.
Crosshair, damage numbers, and status effects can be disabled via the in-game settings menu under “Display”.
Quest objectives may be viewed in the Pip-Boy under the Data tab.
The Power Armor HUD has not been modified in any way.
1. Extract RRHUD.ba2 to the Fallout 76 “Data” folder. (E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda.net Launcher\games\Fallout76\Data)
2. Open “Fallout76Custom.ini” and add “RRHUD.ba2” to “sResourceArchive2List.” E.g.:
sResourceArchive2List = RRHUD.ba2
This mod is not compatible with any mod that modifies “hudmenu.swf”.
This is a work in progress. This mod may need to be updated if a game update modifies “hudmenu.swf”.